Slumber Portraits
This collection began with the realization that I could draw my infant son while he nursed to sleep in my lap. A couple years later I was drawing his younger sister while she slept. Regardless of what may have transpired on the way to naptime and what might await us on waking, in the quiet moments of their rest a part of me came back to life.
Nursing Infant. 2016. 5” x 8”
Charcoal and white pencil on toned paper.
Boy with His Own Bear. 2017. 8” x 5”
Ink on toned paper.
Napping Toddler. 2018. 5” x 8”
Ink on toned paper.
Eight Months. 2018. 8” x 5”
Ink on toned paper.
Sixteen Months. 2019. 5” x 8”
Ink on toned paper.
Wispy Haired Sleeper. 2020. 8” x 5”
Ink on toned paper.
The Girl with the Dragon Plush Toy. 2020. 5” x 8”
Ink on toned paper.
Cap On, Curl Out. 2020. 5” x 8”
Ink on paper.
Two and a Half. 2020. 5” x 8”
Ink on paper.
Strawberry Dress Forever. 2020. 5” x 8”
Crayon on toned paper.